village Gruzske of Makariv area, Kyiv region

Land plots are situated on the territory of the village Gruzske of Makariv area, Kyiv region. They are located on the distance of 60 km to the capital of Ukraine Kyiv. It is about 12 km from the land sites for sale to the town of Makariv. In 50 m from the plots there is a bus stop with buses coming to Kyiv.

Infrastructure of the village Gruzske.

The population of the village includes about 1300 people. There are 5 bus routes from the village to Kyiv. There are two operating industrial enterprises on the territory of Gruzske building materials plant and plant of plastic tares. There is a school, hospital, kindergarten and recreational center in the village. In 8 km from Gruzske in the village Pashkovka there are one more school and hospital.
There is a river Sivka crossing the village.
Building of residential cottages already has been started in the village Gruzske.
In 8 km in the village Pashkovka there are a new restaurant and church.
The shortest way from the village Gruzske to Kyiv lies from the village Byshev village Mostysche village Knyazhychi town Boyarka Kyiv.
Till year 2020 delivery of the second circle road round Kyiv and expansion of Kyiv borders to the second circle road are planned.

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Property with reference: c1373