Property in Ukraine, property for sale

This corner villa is located in Sevastopol (Melnika Str.) in the Crimea. It takes 5 min to the center of the city, Foros and Yalta are in 25 min of drive away.

How to get there:

You can reach Sevastopilby train, air plane to the airport Belbek, air plane to the airport "Sympheropil", and then by bus or train, as well as sea transport.

If from there are no direct trains, buses or air plans to Sevastopil from your geographical point of location, you can reach first Sympheropil and after that you can get to the main destination.

You can do it by:

Train (2.5 hours) from the Sympheropil railway station

Bus (1.5 hours). There are direct buses Sympheropil-Sevastopil from the Sympheropil railway station

Taxi (50-70 min) At the Sympheropil railway station there is a great number of different taxis and cars ready to take you to Sevastopil.

Trolleybus+bus (long way). It is the longest but the most picturesque way to Sevastopil. There are trolleybuses Sympheropil Yalta starting from the Sympheropil railway station. This way is full of great impressions! Then you have to change your transport into a bus from Yalta bus station that goes directly to Sevastopil.

In order to see more information about rest and life in the Crimea please address the option "About Ukraine":

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Property with reference: CC1092